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Selasa, 25 Februari 2020

Download Just Cause 4 Compressed Version For 5$

Download Just Cause 4 Compressed version for  5$

| Just Cause 4 [ Uncracked ] | FULL UNLOCKED |

 Platform:  PC
 Size: 50.8 Gb
 ژانر بازی : اکشن
 File Type: RAR
 Game Language: English
 Publisher: Tarsier Studios
 Game Price: 5$
  Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update for Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Intel Core i5-2400 @ 3.1 GHz | AMD FX-6300 @ 3.5 GHz or better
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 59 GB available space

Download links
Direct Link

password: After Payment Is Done

Isnin, 24 Februari 2020

Releasing On Nintendo Switch: Unattainable Dream To Reality

By Thomas Grip, Creative director

This is one of my earliest memories. Eons ago, when I was about 5, my dad took me with him to his work, a department store. He then proceeded to dump me in the electronics department.

Nowadays you can find game test booths everywhere, but back in the day this was definitely not the case. Instead every single item was locked inside a glass cupboard. Usually these cupboards remained locked unless you bought something… but that day was different. Tony, my dad's co-worker, let me try out a game.

As I trembled with the excitement of a 5-year-old boy, he jangled his keys, and took out the showcase version of a grey box called the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Ice Climber for the NES was my first video game experience, and from that moment I was hooked.

Since that watershed moment, Nintendo games have always had a special place in my heart. Super Mario, Zelda, Mega Man, Battle Toads, Blaster Master and many others were all a part of my childhood magic. The plastic feel of the controller, the chunky cartridges, and instant-booting games still evoke fuzzy feelings in me.

Because of these magical childhood memories, and how video games were perceived back in the day, Nintendo has always had a certain mysterious feel to it – like an enchanted factory in a far-away country, creating games through some sort of wizardry.

When I started making games myself, some 20 years back, I never thought the hobby would evolve into anything bigger. It felt highly unlikely that people would want to buy anything I produced. But, eventually, what started as a hobby turned into a job. That felt so surreal. There I was, with my stupid hobby, except it was suddenly a source of income to me. Game development still felt like that enchanted factory, full of people who knew a lot more than me with tech I couldn't possibly afford to have. But it was real, as I came to realize over time.

Yet consoles, and especially Nintendo, retained a very illusory feel. While I released my games on Steam and similar stores, the birthplace of my childhood magic felt far off.
That's why it's so special to announce the following:


Finally – Frictional Games has made it to a Nintendo console! What had, for most of my life, felt like a distant and far-fetched dream, has now become reality. Sure, it's not shipped on one of those fantastic grey cartridges, nor will it have a Nintendo "seal of quality" slapped on top, but I'll take what I can.

If the 5-year-old me heard about this, he would never believe me.

But this is by no means the end of a journey for me – quite the opposite! It's thrilling to think just how far the company has come, and it makes me super excited for what the future will hold.

A huge thank you to our friends at BlitWorks for making the port possible, and Evolve PR (with special thanks to Ryan!) for the great trailer!

Jumaat, 21 Februari 2020

Complex But Not Complicated

To me, the best games are the ones with rules that provide a structure for making moves towards victory, then get out of the way and let you play. I don't like games where an encyclopedic knowledge of the rules gives an advantage, and I can't stand games where it's possible to win on a technicality. The advantage should come with the ability to understand the consequences of making a particular play, like thinking several moves ahead in chess.

Twilight Struggle is a good game for that reason. It gives players a relatively simple set of options on their turn, primarily by playing cards for one of two purposes: either to spread their influence on the board, or to enact a more specific game effect that targets a particular location or gives some other in-game advantage. Simple options, but a lot to think about and try to plan for.

In Twilight Struggle, two players vie for control of the world during the Cold War of 1945-1989. The board represents a map of the world, with players placing competing levels on influence in the various countries depicted with an eye towards controlling particular regions. Scoring cards are played at various points in the game, so the goal is to set up your influence to take advantage of the scoring cards you have, but also to anticipate what your opponent is trying to do based on where they are placing their influence.

Another option each turn is to spend cards to progress with the Space Race. Achieving space-based advances does give an advantage, especially to whichever player gets to each milestone first, so (much like in the real world at the time) it's something that can't just be ignored. I'm not sure if it's intentional or not, but in all of our plays we've found the space race to be an annoying distraction due to the amount of time a player needs to spend on it and the random, hard to predict results. I wonder if the military commanders of the time felt the same way?

There is also a Military Operations track which requires both players to engage in roughly the same amount of aggressive military action each turn, an interesting balancing mechanic that slyly represents the sabre-rattling and chest-thumping that often occurs between world powers. However, too much military action will advance the DefCon marker, and if it gets pushed too far nuclear war breaks out and the game immediately ends. This is where the real brilliance of this game lies, and where it perfectly reflects the world it takes place in, as the two players constantly need to look at how far they can push things without going too far.

Like the best strategy games, Twilight Struggle gives you a lot to think about during play, without bogging you down in complicated rules that need to constantly be referred to. The strategy and maneuvering

It's a great game design for what it is trying to do, and you could even argue that it's educational, sparking the imagination about this unique period in world history. Unfortunately the game's presentation is more textbook than Hollywood blockbuster, and the game's graphic design is very...utilitarian, which is what I think has held this game back from gaining a wider spotlight. On the other hand, it has been in print continuously for 15 years, so I suppose it's finding its audience.

Rating 4 (out of 5): It's a 2-player game that takes a while to play so it doesn't come out that often, but we always enjoy it in spite of its somewhat dry presentation.

[Hackaday] Lil’ ESP32 Bot Does Remote Surveillance, And It’s Easy

Lil’ ESP32 Bot Does Remote Surveillance, And It’s Easy


   These are some Reaper Bones figures I bought just because I like them. The paint jobs aren't really anything fancy, but they work.

Khamis, 20 Februari 2020

Spyro Reignited Trilogy | Review, Gameplay, News & More...

Spyro Reignited Trilogy Release date, review, gameplay, News, Spyro Reignited Trilogy

Spyro Reignited Trilogy | Review, Gameplay, News & More...

Activision is plunging into its library to restore amazingly, one more platforming great as Spyro: Reignited Trilogy. Cherished by gamers in the 1990s, the first Spyro encounters are set to get an entire makeover with new visuals, mechanics and that's just the beginning. Playing this game just dives you into the 90's when games were crazy for such games where they did not just want graphics, story, blah blah blah to play the game, what they really wanted is just a fun time with their buddies. 

Quick Facts:

  • Initial release date: 13 November 2018
  • Developer: Toys for Bob
  • Engine: Unreal Engine
  • Series: Spyro
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Spyro Reignited Trilogy: Release Date

it's a bummer to need to hold up somewhat longer to play the Spyro Reignited Trilogy, Spyro: Reignited Trilogy is coming to PS4 and Xbox One on November 13. Initially planned for a September discharge, the deferral is so the advancement group can put an extra 'love and care' into the experience so that you can relive the beautiful early 90's.

Spyro Reignited Trilogy: Gameplay Preview

Development duties on the remaster have been given to in-house studio Toys For Bob, the studio that shepherded Spyro through the Skylanders establishment from 2011 onwards.

Undoubtedly, the way that Spyro never had the broadened nonappearance that Crash did may mean the wistfulness factor won't be as solid here, basically because we've seen the character all the more as of late. Be that as it may, the opportunity to return to things without purchasing a physical toy will be a charming change from late years, it's probably going to please fans old and new.

The remastering itself is magnificently done – universes hold basically indistinguishable geometry from they did on PS1, however, are more point by point and bright. Voice performer Tom Kenny repeats his job as Spyro all through, including recording new lines for the first game, Players will have the choice of which soundtracks to tune in to, also.

Here's a brief gameplay by PlayStation.

As I have earlier said, This game basically makes you relive the amazing gaming era,  'Stone Hill', from the first Spyro, demonstrates its age the most, with a basic design and scarcely any test, notwithstanding for a child's game. Spyro searches for his dragon elders, head-rams or inhales fire on some uninteresting enemies, and ways out the level. It's charming and windy, however fantastically essential, even with the remaster.

The genuine enjoyment, however, was encountering the Spyro: Year of the Dragon level 'Sunny Villa' out of the blue. Having matured out of being especially keen on the Spyro games when the third installment came around, the remastered rendition was a completely new ordeal.

What's more, there are now save points in the game, with pixies guaranteeing checkpoints are logged consequently as opposed to you saving manually and seek after the best, as previously.

First Impression:

Besides a couple of drawbacks, like Spyro frequently feels dubious to point while completing a head-smash charge, and the tended camera which goes wild whenever you submerged into the water, Spyro Reignited Trilogy is just simply looking magnificent, but still the trio without a doubt require an excess of a lick of paint to cut it in the present market, yet Toys For Bob has beaten itself with the makeover. 

Spyro Reignited Trilogy: Trailers

All the trailers which are currently available look really amazing, and I am sure, many Spyro lovers can't wait to put their hands on this beautiful game. 

UCLan Women In Games Careers Event

The UCLan Women in Games Careers event took place Nov 23rd.

Massive thanks to our awesome industry speakers and our many students who took part. It was great to welcome pupils, teachers and parents who came to hear about careers in games. 


We visited schools and colleges across Lancashire and the North west to invite them to come and here about the amazing opportunities in the games design industry.
It was an inspiring day for everyone involved, with students, parents and academics representing 20 different schools, colleges and universities from across the North West of England.

Visiting Speakers.

Saija Wintersun, Rebellion Oxford,

Naomi Robinson, Freelance,








Panel Discussion:
Getting into University to study Games Design 


Panel Discussion:
Reality v. Expectation of working in the Games industry


Our students spoke about their experiences so far in studying for a career in the Games Design Industry and they also entered into a busy  question and answer session following the panel discussion. Several teachers and pupils had questions.
The students also loved being able to mix with their heroes from the industry!