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Rabu, 23 September 2020

Lost Secret Of The Rainforest - Concerned

Written by Reiko

Adam's Journal #3: "I got to meet Forest Heart! But it's so sad, she's a huge tree, but she's dying! And I have to find her sprout so the village will still be protected when she's gone. She had one, but it didn't survive, so there has to be another one somewhere. Maybe the villagers can help me?"

Last time, I finally found the Forest Heart and received the main quest to find a sprout of hers to replace her when she's gone. She gave Adam a special branch, some seed pods, and a bark cup, which should be useful for making progress in the village. So I head back along the path.

To my surprise, I find the village occupied again when I get back. Where was everyone before? Several groups of people sit busily doing things around the big hut. A potter worriedly tends her crying baby. An older man with a painted face talks with a younger one. A storyteller tells a story to some children. A couple more people lie in hammocks, resting.

Aww, poor baby.
One problem at a time. That doesn't work for me, though.

I go around and talk to everyone. The potter [1] is worried because a bee stung her baby, who's in pain [1], and she doesn't want to bother the shaman for a poultice. The older man [1] thinks the younger, Llusti, should apologize to someone he quarreled with, named Churana. They've got a machete that looks useful, but the older man won't let me take it (until I help with the quarrel, presumably). The storyteller is too busy telling the story to talk. I now have two people to look for, though: the shaman and the person that the young man quarreled with.

On the next screen, three old women are angrily staring at a cooking pot. A weaver is sitting by her cloth, looking upset. An unhappy woman sits by the garden. And two hunters sort through arrows, periodically talking to the gardener.

Did you break your tools?

I talk to each of the women by the pot [3], and they each agree that they are waiting on some lazy woman (they don't name her) to bring some roots so they can make a drink. The weaver [1] is upset because Llusti is upset with her, so she must be Churana. The gardener [1] says others call her Lazy Sumac, so she's probably the one who needs to get the roots, but she can't work because her tools are broken. And the hunters are too busy to talk.

Well, that's certainly a lot of problems to solve. I need to get Llusti to apologize to Churana so she can weave; I need to get Sumac new tools so she can get the roots for the old women; and I need to get the poultice from the shaman for the baby. I also notice that there are now more things to scan on these screens, so I go back over both of them and find five more things: Pottery, Body Painting, Iguana, Masato, Hunting [5].

Finally a problem I can solve.

I'm not sure what to do about those problems yet, so I move on to the third village screen, the one with the vine and the small hut. A boy is sadly hanging on the vine and a man is working on the thatch of the hut's roof. The boy [1] says that everyone is angry with him because he lost a drum. Well, that at least I can solve. I give him the drum I found [5], and he happily runs off to practice.

Maybe you're really the shaman? And what's a Sky Sapphire anyway?

Oh, maybe it's this butterfly.

The man by the thatch babbles a bit about the shaman being busy sometimes. I'm kind of wondering if he's actually the shaman and doesn't want to help me, but anyway, he suggests I need to get a "Sky Sapphire" in order to see the shaman. He also names the potter as Musqui and suggests she shouldn't be afraid to come see the shaman for a poultice (so the shaman will help people that are sick, at least). Maybe I can help her, though - he says the shaman often visits Forest Heart when he needs to make a poultice. Maybe one of the gifts I received will help the baby.

I also swing back across the stream and check the bushes again. This time I can pick some berries [5]. I also find something shiny - a necklace with a dolphin's tooth on it [5]. Time to go around and see if any of my items can help anyone, or if anyone can tell me what a Sky Sapphire is. The boy, Taquia, is now playing the drums. Apparently he will be shaman someday. He says Sinchi makes him practice, but won't say who that is (maybe the shaman?). I show the necklace first to the gardener, who says it's a love charm the shaman made. Maybe that would help Churana with Llusti?

She already has a baby, so obviously she doesn't need it now.

When I show it to Churana, she says it would, but it belongs to her sister, so she can't use it without permission. Who could her sister be? Maybe the potter? Yep, how convenient. I show it to her [5], and she says those bushes were where the baby was stung, and when that happened, she ran away, dropping the necklace. But she has no need of a love charm, so Churana can use it.

You're going to give your priceless family heirloom to a random outsider you never met before today?

When I give it to Churana [5], she gratefully gives me a necklace she received from her mother with a tiny pattern carved on it. Now she goes back to her weaving, content. I then show the bark cup to the gardener [1] who says I'm special for being able to borrow the shaman's medicine cup. Of course, I got it from Forest Heart, not from the shaman. She has something to say about all my other new items, too, but can't use any of them. The berries aren't for food, so she doesn't grow them, and she doesn't know how to grow the special seed pods either, but she says the shaman uses them.

The old women [1] say I need to return the medicine cup to the shaman. They get a little alarmed when I show them the berries and the seed pods, as they aren't food and shouldn't go in the drink they're trying to make. Churana also recognizes the medicine cup [1] but doesn't tell me anything new.

Who is the shaman?

Now that I've helped Churana, the older man has also managed to reason with Llusti, who is gone when I get back to the first screen. Now the older man will graciously allow me to take the machete when I reach for it [5]. I don't actually know what I need it for yet. He also refuses the medicine cup [1], of course, saying I need to return it to the shaman. Adam asks who the shaman is, and he says it's hard to say, because he is someone of the tribe and yet apart from it.

The weaver says the medicine cup [1] is what the shaman has used to mix poultices for her baby. She stops me when I try giving the berries or the seed pods to the baby, saying they aren't for food. But she says the seed pods smell like the poultice she needs, except they're too rough for the baby's skin. Surely there will be a way to crush them up or something to make the poultice.

Are you sure you aren't the shaman?

I still don't know what a sky sapphire is, although I suspect it's the bright blue butterfly that has been flitting around the hut screens, inviting me to catch it. It can also be scanned to reveal that it's a Morpho Butterfly [1]. I don't know how to catch it though, and the ecorder information is no help with this either, so I go back and talk to the thatcher again. When I show him the medicine cup [1] he says I should hold onto it for now, but he will tell the shaman. He also names himself as Sinchi, so he's the one that's been teaching the boy. All the more reason why he could be the shaman himself. When I show him the seed pods, he says he doesn't know why Sumac can't grow them, but they're useful for poultices, and I should put them on the bench next to him, which I do [1].

At this point I'm at a bit of a loss. I've helped Churana, but I'm not sure where the shaman is, I don't know what to do with his cup (I was going to put it on the bench, but Sinchi says the shaman was going to fill it, and I could do him a favor by holding onto it - but fill it with what?), I don't know how to make the poultice for the baby, and I don't know how to catch the butterfly.

I did notice that bugs seemed to be attracted to the liquid in the cookpot that the three old women are tending. I think I need to get some so that the butterfly will land somewhere so I can catch it. But the only container I have is the bark cup, and I can't use that on the pot. Also, if I try to get the butterfly on the first screen, I get a message saying it won't stay anywhere long enough, but if I try to get it on the second screen, the message says that grabbing it would damage it. That seems to suggest I need to catch it without touching it, like with a net or cage. But I have nothing like that either. None of the other pots or visible containers around the village can be picked up or manipulated.

Sumac's not lazy, just underequipped.

Wait a second. Sumac needs a tool, and I now have a machete. I thought I'd already tried that, but nope, the machete is exactly what she needs [5]. She gives me the roots for the old women (and warns me that they're poison unless prepared correctly). I pass them on to the old women [5], who add them to the pot to make their drink. No apology to Sumac, though. They say I need a cup and then they'll give me some, but I still only have the bark cup and it still isn't working on the cookpot. There's an empty pot sitting around on the waterfall screen, but I can't pick it up: I'm just told it's empty when I try. Why can't I use that?

The old woman's response to finding bugs in the drink. Yuck.

Any suggestions (ROT-13) for what container I need for the drink or what else I need to do to catch the butterfly would be helpful. I have apparently missed something somehow.

Score: 347/1000
Scanned items: 42/82
Inventory: passport, Ecorder, Forest Heart amulet, leaf with sticky sap, branch, bark cup, carved necklace, berries

Session Time: 2 hour 15 min
Total Time: 5 hour 30 minutes

Note Regarding Spoilers and Companion Assist Points: There's a set of rules regarding spoilers and companion assist points. Please read it here before making any comments that could be considered a spoiler in any way. The short of it is that no points will be given for hints or spoilers given in advance of me requiring one. Please...try not to spoil any part of the game for me...unless I really obviously need the help...or I specifically request assistance. In this instance, I've not made any requests for assistance. Thanks!

Selasa, 22 September 2020

Reminder: Free State Online Provincial Championships - 5 September 2020

With sporting events still under lockdown Mind Sports South Africa (MSSA) decided to run an online North West Provincial Championships.

MSSA will thus be holding its Free State Online Provincial Championships on 5 September 2020.

MSSA's Free State LAN Provincial Championships has thus not been replaced by this event.

MSSA's 1st Free State Online Provincial Championships, which will offer all players the opportunity to qualify for selection to the national squad and for the Protea Team.

In order to participate, Registered Players must be fully-paid-up. 

Obviously Registered Players may participate from the comfort of their own home while being safe from the ravages of COVID-19.

Game titles to be played are:

Paladins PC/PS4Round 1 StartsRound 2 StartsRound 3 Starts
Round 4 StartsRound 5 Starts
FIFA'20Round 1 StartsRound 2 StartsRound 3 StartsRound 4 StartsRound 5 Starts
Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) 2020Round 1 StartsRound 2 StartsRound 3 StartsRound 4 StartsRound 5 Starts
HearthStoneRound 1 StartsRound 2 StartsRound 3 StartsRound 4 StartsRound 5 Starts
Street Fighter VRound 1 StartsRound 2 StartsRound 3 StartsRound 4 StartsRound 5 Starts
Clash RoyalRound 1 StartsRound 2 StartsRound 3 StartsRound 4 StartsRound 5 Starts
Counter-Strike: GORound 1 StartsRound 2 StartsRound 3 StartsRound 4 StartsRound 5 Starts
League of Legends (LoL)Round 1 StartsRound 2 StartsRound 3 StartsRound 4 StartsRound 5 Starts
DotA 2Round 1 StartsRound 2 StartsRound 3 StartsRound 4 StartsRound 5 Starts
TEKKEN 7Round 1 StartsRound 2 StartsRound 3 StartsRound 4 StartsRound 5 Starts

Tournament Structure:

As per the MSSA's rules, being:
  • If less than six teams, the championship shall be a Round Robin Championship
  • If 6 to 10 teams enter the championship there shall be four rounds as played to the Swiss System
  • If 11 or more teams enter the championship there shall be five rounds as played to the Swiss System


  • In order to participate, Registered Players must be fully-paid-up. 



    Medals shall be handed over to winners at the next MSSA LAN that they attend. 


    • PREMIER: Medals shall be awarded to the first three teams.

    • UNDER 24: Medals shall be awarded to the first three teams that have not won a Premier medal and which are comprised entirely of students currently registered at any officially recognised University.

    • SCHOLARS: Medals shall be awarded to the first three teams of learners currently registered at any officially recognised school, provided they have not received any Premier medals.     

    • PREMIER: Medals shall be awarded to the first three teams.
    • UNDER 24Medals shall be awarded to the first three teams that have not won a Premier medal and which are comprised entirely of students currently registered at any officially recognised University.
    • SCHOLARS: Medals shall be awarded to the first three teams of learners currently registered at any officially recognised school, provided they have not received any Premier medals.


    • Protea ColoursOnly Players that are selected to represent South Africa in International Championships may earn National Colours if the Protea Colours Board's criteria are met.
    • National ColoursAll Players that win all of their Matches at a National Championship will earn National Colours.
    • Provincial ColoursAll Players that win all of their Matches at a Provincial Championship will earn Provincial Colours. All Players who score within the top 50% in a specific Period at a Provincial Championship, and who also score within the top 50% at a National Championship in the same period and in the same year, will earn Provincial Colours.


    • The championship shall be played on: 5 September 2020
    • The first round will start at 10H00. Players shall be given 60 minutes to complete each round.
    • The championship is accredited as being of the same status as a provincial championship. 
    • The championship shall be used for the awarding of provincial colours;
    • The championship shall be used for the awarding of medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in Premier, Under 24, and School categories;
    • The championship shall be used for the ability to qualify for National Team Squad.
    • All medals shall be awarded to the recipients at a MSSA LAN championships.


    • Umpires may only be contacted over Skype on the day of competition. Any communication not on the Skype channel shall not be entered into.


    • For games to count for the National Ladder, teams must advise the Umpires before the start of each match.

    Shout casting:

    • MSSA shall decide who may shout-cast the games.

    • Anybody wishing to be appointed as a Shout-Caster must apply in writing

    Also read:

    Ahad, 13 September 2020

    All You Need To Do Is Have Self-Compassion! And It's Rather Easy!

    In training, the first thing we learned in therapy techniques was Carl Rogers' approach of unconditional positive regard for your clients. For me, he was the GOAT. Those who are suffering most likely haven't been given the love and nurturing they needed in childhood, adolescence, and even adulthood. 

    Therefore, as therapists, you accept and support the person, without question. You accept the client, including their flaws, after all, everyone has weaknesses, no one is "perfect".

    By giving unconditional positive regard, the client then begins to regard themselves more positively after being heard, accepted and supported, they begin to see that they're worthy. And, because they're worthy, they'll be more motivated to change - you take care of things that are valuable, which includes you!

    For some reason, this message has been strangely forgotten after my training, because the concept of self-esteem was the fetish. To the point where we have clients write positive things about themselves to improve self-esteem. Esteem, meaning, that you value yourself for your positive qualities, and the more positive qualities, the better your self-esteem. 

    Do you see the fatal flaw? When you start thinking of your negative traits, and we all have them as human beings, your self-esteem will fall. Also, what if one of the things you find positive about yourself is that you have beautiful skin, but as you age, it will "sag" and then your self-esteem will crumble. Or, that you're a kind person, but there are going to be times when you act unkindly (out of stress, we're all human), so that will also lower your self-esteem.

    However, if you can accept yourself fully, warts and all, because you know that you're not perfect, and no one else is perfect, you begin to accept yourself, and in turn, accept others for not being perfect as well! Thus ending the deadly poison of self and other-criticism, that destroys creativity, inspiration, passion, productivity, and love.

    Once you have self-compassion, you will be more motivated to act in more healthy ways such as exercising, not procrastinating, not being critical of others because you see that you're a valuable person. And if you're valuable, like all valuable things, you want to take care of yourself.

    Here is the scientific breakdown for why self-compassion works, and why self-esteem doesn't:

    How do you have self-compassion? The easiest exercise is to treat yourself as a best friend would treat you. You don't even have to be that mindful it's very obvious when you feel bad because they're such strong, obvious emotions:

    Anger, stress, hatred, comparing yourself negatively to another person leading to jealousy and envy, criticizing yourself (which makes you feel down in the dumps), and so forth.

    In this post, I will outline the steps with the best friend strat, and then give five very common scenarios when we tend to be really mean to ourselves, and show how you use this best friend approach.


    Step One: As soon as you feel that sinking, negative gross feeling, stop and think about what you're upset about.

    Step Two: Talk to yourself (internally or out loud) as if you're your own best friend, using this three step method:
    • Best friend will acknowledge the shittiness of how you feel and allow you to bitch and complain.
    • Next, best friend would say this shit happens to all of us, you're not alone, and of course you'd feel horrible, who wouldn't?
    • Lastly, how can we move forward and problem-solve?

    Scenario One: You failed a test (or whatever project), you then begin to criticize yourself harshly and say that you're a complete loser and a fucking failure, you feel dejected and depressed. You feel like crap and crippled to do anything, which is the signal where you go into best friend mode:

    As a best friend, he would tell you, that really sucks you got an F (or whatever failure), that's crushing and heart-breaking. He will say that we all fail, Edison failed millions of times, it never feels good but at least you tried and had the guts to show up and take that test (or do whatever project).

    How can we do better to crush that test? And then come up with solutions in terms of studying "smarter" not "harder" (i.e. Gordon Greene's "Getting Straight A's"). You get excited and motivated so you order this used on and thank your best friend for support. Your friend says, "that's what friends are for!" You then get an A (at worst B+) on the next test.

    Analysis: We see in this scenario how your friend acknowledged your feelings of suckiness when you got that big fat F.

    He then universalized failure, that you're not the "only one" in the world who fails, so you're not the "sole loser outcast". Rather you're human just like everyone else.

    Lastly, what can we do to change the outcome? Problem-solve and act upon the problem at hand!

    Scenario Two: You're too tired to exercise yet again, even though exercising a mere 13 minutes, three times a week, can prevent major cardiovascular conditions that lead to death. 

    You say to yourself that you're a lazy, pathetic, useless piece of shit who can't even do something as short as 13 minutes. You feel awful, which is the signal to go into best friend mode.

    Best friend would say, no one likes to exercise, why do you think there are all these memes about hating exercise, and there's this viral cat video where the cat's so miserable to even move her left paw!

    You're not lazy, you're human and like all the mammals in the world! ALL mammals are biologically wired to go the path of least resistance since calories are so scarce back then! Pampered pets tend to be overweight to obese, and inactive. The goal was to conserve the energy and hibernate in winter!

    You feel better about yourself. Then he'll problem-solve and say, just go to the gym as the goal. If you don't want to exercise, then go back home. Most likely what happens is that you'll end up doing the 13 minutes, perhaps rounding up to 15 minutes or more.

    Scenario 3: Your boyfriend dumped you, and you feel anger toward him. You also start feeling that you'll never find love again because you failed in this relationship. You tell yourself that you're unloveable, hideous, disgusting and trash. No one would love you ever again. You become depressed, which is signal to use the approach.

    Your best friend might actually have a girl's weekend at your place to wallow in the sadness Friday night after work. She'll bring 12 different flavors of Ben and Jerry's, various chocolates, and order out pizza. You process the breakup and she tells you that everyone goes through breakups, it's a part of everyone's life - you're just like everyone in the world who's gotten rejected, I still love you. You feel better because of this truth. Then binge on Downton Abbey episodes.

    But, on Sunday night, after you enjoyed the binge and wallow fest, your best friend tells you that you need to work on yourself and get healthy. She doesn't want to see you wallow in self-pity for months on end.

    She tells you to go back to your life, go to work, take it one day at a time, socialize with your friends - you may meet eligible men. Feeling encouraged and supported, you begin to get over the break-up and taking healthy steps.

    Scenario four: This is taken directly from my recent experience. You compare yourself negatively to another person. You begin to think why can't you be as fluent, as on point, as passionate, as humorous as Dr. Ramani:

    Your friend notes that of course she's on point, she teaches this stuff every day to her students so she has to know the material like the back of her hand. For these interviews, she most likely prepared these answers in advance, and she has done so many, that it gets easier and easier!

    I then feel better and interestingly, I felt gratitude (rather than feeling down on myself for "not measuring up") toward Dr. Ramani for helping people avoid getting involved with a narcissistic partner in the first place! Avoiding these people who destroy and crush others' souls (a malignant narcissist can conceivably kill his partner), literally saving lives.

    Scenario five: You berate yourself for procrastinating yet again because you'd rather indulge yourself by playing video games. You call yourself pathetic, lazy and useless because you can't accomplish anything at all! 

    How would you treat yourself with self-compassion? This is what I would tell myself, using the best friend approach:

    I consciously tried self-compassion at work today which compelled me to write this post.

    It was the first time where I felt light-hearted and a genuine joy, feeling full-hearted toward my coworkers without effort. I always feel the irritability when I'm at work, and use immense amount of energy to be pleasant to my coworkers since I like all my coworkers.

    While they all say that I'm very easy to work with and non-intimidating, it takes up so much mental energy that I get drained at work. Which is why I end up playing video games after work. However today, having self-compassion, I have enough mental energy to write this post!

    Despite being stressed today, interrupted every minute to sign, to make calls, and having to eat lunch in front of clients, I didn't feel mental fatigue, only physical fatigue. (The physical fatigue was my fault for not realizing I didn't have iron or synthroid in my weekly pill reminder box for the last 2 weeks, as well as untreated sleep apnea, and not exercising for being so tired).

    At any rate, it was a wondrous feeling of being light and having this outpouring of love toward my coworkers (I do love them, I just don't feel it often due to work stressors), that I came up with rather creative solutions for a family, that surprised even myself!

    The trap of doing any other exercises aside from self-compassion - activities such as keeping a gratitude journal, exercising regularly, and the like, is that if you don't do those things, you start feeling bad about yourself for being lazy, and you quit out of demoralization.

    However, with self-compassion, you start feeling better. Even when you get down upon yourself for having a critical thought about yourself, you can snap out of it due to feeling the warning signs.

    You may even laugh at yourself because of the irony. You're criticizing yourself for criticizing yourself! But by laughing at that, as your best friend would (perhaps even teasingly saying that you're a dork, but that makes you lovable), you can regain self-compassion.

    Finally, as you accept yourself, flaws and all just like everyone else, you feel a sense of connection for others when you see them struggling, and end up having compassion towards them.

    This feeling of love that you have to others make you feel even better and light - no jealousy, no bitterness, just a wonderful feeling of connection. We humans, as all the researchers say, are hard-wired for connection, and people tend to depression when you feel disconnected.

    With self-compassion, as you feel better and find yourself worthy and worth doing all these hard things. You become more motivated to make healthy choices, do the gratitude exercises, eat healthy, get enough sleep, eat fruits and vegetables, just from self-compassion alone. 

    The love you feel inwards and outwards becomes effortless, love being the powerful force, empowering you to do the hard, necessary things that are fulfilling to you.

    The How of Happiness Review

    Without Map Or Compass

    In the original Legend of Zelda the Map and Compass are indispensable for surviving dungeons and reaching the boss. The map shows you the layout of the dungeon and the compass positions you in it.

    In the pilgrimage of the Christian life, I think the map would be the teachings of Our Blessed Lord and saviour, preserved in the Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition of the Catholic Church that He founded- this constitutes the way to Eternal Life.

    The compass I think would be the interior life, the daily life of prayer composed of mental prayer, examination of conscience and perhaps above all, the sacrament of confession. Through these powerful means we can discern where we are headed, how we stand with regards to that map, whether we are near the end of the dungeon, close to completing it, or perhaps down a dead end.

    How tragic for the worldlings and for the followers of false religions, they have neither map nor compass- where will they end up? They can send Link a thousand times round the dungeon but without map or compass they have little chance of coming out alive.

    Praise be Our God and Saviour Jesus Christ for providing us with the Map and Compass in His One True Church.

    Jumaat, 4 September 2020

    Global Game Jam 2018 @ KSU 48 HOURS Jam!

    IMPORTANT UPDATE:  GGJ @ KSU will be OPEN for the ENTIRE 48 hours.

    The Global Game Jam 2018 @ KSU will be held from Friday, January 26th through Sunday, January 28th. 

    This is a great opportunity to come and make a game over a weekend. Anyone can join in regardless of skill or experience. Come and have fun, learn, and meet some new people.

    Come to the J/Atrium building (Marietta campus). Driving directions and a campus map is available at and 

    Register now and save, registration fee increases to $45 on January 19th

    You will also need to register

    The registration desk will be on Level 2 of J-Block at 1:00 pm. 

    The opening ceremonies will take place in Q-202 and will start at 4:30 pm. The jam will take place in J-Block and will start at 6:00 pm on Friday January 26, 2019.

    This is an 18 Plus event. If you are not 18 or older, you will not be able to participate.